January 12, 2010


This will be the last post I will put up on this blog, unfortunately the school semester is over, but i hade a good time sharing my stories and knowledge of this great sport. I hope you guys got some useful information and a little bit more of a respect for the sport. I personally think it’s a fantastic sport and there should be more opportunities for other people to try it and hopefully fal in love with the sport like I did. I think that its good for many purposes because it gets kids and teenagers off of the coach and outside to get some fresh air. Also it gives them something to do so instead of them sitting around at the mall or something and smoking or doing other illegal activities it gives them a hobbies and hopefully keeps them out of bad habits. So I just want to thank everyone who wrote in about their stories and who asked me to write about a certain topic, and I hope I helped answer a few o those questions for you. So I might possible add a few more blogs here and their if you guys want I can continue on, just let me know...until then have a great time ridding or next time you go to ski maybe try grabbing a snowboard to change it up a bit. PEACEE


  1. I will miss hearing from you but all things come to an end of course. But thanks to you, you have taught me the sport a little bit and made me understand it more than I used to, hopefully one day I will get the chance to try this sport out on a hill one day. I like the idea of the sport alot and I seem to admire it much more than I used to before you made blogs about this. Finominal work my friend.

  2. ahah, yea true dat Brian. yea i hade a great time ritting this and im glade you enjoyed reading it. Im also glade that you want to give this sport a try because in the end that what i wanted to do...thanks bud
