January 7, 2010

Types of Snow

Everyone thinks that any snow is good for snowboarding but in effect that’s not true at all. The best snow for just riding around and having a good time is powder, but when your riding it makes it harder to manoeuver your board because you have to swing your hips harder to get you board to turn and you have to move the snow around you at the same time. So its important that when your riding powder to have a good meal in you and lots of water and a good nights rest. Also if your in to rails and stuff a good pact of snow is good so you have complete control, over what you want to do and you can move with ease. When your going for jumps and big air its nice to have a solid base but on the top layer of the snow have a bit of ice chunks, so go the day after a sunny day so the snow melts a bit and then over night it freezes up so that the top layer becomes icy. I prefer this because it allows you to get a lot of speed meaning you get more air so you can their for do more tricks.

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